Ladies Hostel

Ladies Hostel

The ladies hostel of gmkmc started in 1990 with 79 rooms excluding, common hall, TV hall, gymnasium, office room, library, house keeper room and big dining hall with modern kitchen. the hotel stands in 4 acre premises as a rectangular wing with center open court yard. the compound wall surrounds the premises and a basket ball court situated nearby. the compound encloses several trees and beautiful gardens. kitchen waste is used for manure. the garden yields coconut and other fruits. there is power backup with a diesel generator for all floors. the hostel provides a peaceful atmosphere for the students to stay and study since it is far away from the city's clutter.

No. of Students Residing 180
No. of Rooms Available 77
Hostel Incharge Chief Warden
Deputy Warden
Office Clerk
Fresher’s Caretaker
Facilities available Library
Students mess
TV hall
Computer room
Prayer Hall
Basketball Court
Badminton / Tennis Court
Large and spacious Meeting Hall
Calm and Pleasant Atmosphere for studies
Security 3
Gardener 1
Mess Workers 8 ( Masters : 2 )
Sanitation Workers 2

Rules And Regulations In Hostel

1) The Dean is vested with the powers to enforce rules and regulations and his decision shall be final in the interpretation of the rules and in all matters connected with the hostel.

2) The students will be admitted in the hostel after admission in college. The students and parents have to sign an undertaking concerning the rules and regulations by the students.

3) On admission, the hotel fees and mess charges should be paid in full. The amount to be paid is informed during the admission time.

4) After admission, no student is allowed to vacate the hostel without the prior permission from the warden. The warden is to be informed about the vacation from the hostel and a letter with effect from parents is also to be produced.

5) Allotment of the rooms will be made by the Chief Warden. The students are not allowed to change rooms as they wish.

6) The room allotment is done in once a year. No room shall be allotted to any students without the complete clearance of the hostel dues.

7) Hostel furnitures are not to be shifted from one room to another. Members are responsible for the furniture and fittings in respective rooms.

8) The cost of repair and replacements of fittings and furnitures in rooms and restrooms will be collected from the members, in case of damage or less.

9) The hostel administration does not hold any responsibility for any property and valuable things kept in the rooms.

10) No one shall entertain any guest in the room.

11) Male guests are not permitted to enter the hostel.

12) All visitors are entertained only in the visitors’ room during visiting hours (4pm – 7 pm).

13) All members should discipline in the hostel.

14) Ragging in any form causing emotional or physical hardship to anyone is strictly prohibited. Any student indulging in these activities shall be expelled from the hostel.

15) No student will be allowed to stay outside the hostel after 8 pm without the prior permission of the warden.

16) The hostel gates will be closed at 8 pm and no one shall be entertained to enter the hostel after the above time without the prior permission of the warden. (In case of emergencies.)

17) Students should inform housekeeper about their late comings to the hostel. If the students come late from home, parent or guardian should come along with them.

18) Those students going for vacation should inform in advance to the warden in writing, the time and date of departure and the destination.

19) The hostel authorities will inspect the rooms any time and the members shall cooperate with them. If any member falls ill, the warden should be informed immediately and the member shall be admitted in the hospital.

20) Any complaint regarding the amenities in the hostel has to be made to the warden.

21) The members should switch off the fans and lights when before leaving their rooms and should observe strict economy in energy consumption.

22) The members should lock their rooms before leaving them. The hostel authorities’ do not hold any responsibility regarding any missing of properties and other valuable items from the rooms.

23) Members who wish to spend their night out with their relatives or friends should produce a letter in advance of authorisation from their parents or guardians permitting them to do so.

24) The students shall not damage or spoil the gardens maintained in the hostel premises.

25) The hostel, generally, will remain closed for one month in a year. The students are not allowed to stay in the hostel during this period in order to facilitate the maintenance work in the hostel.

26) A committee headed by the Dean will examine the cases of indisciplinary actions on the part of members and the Dean’s decision will be final and binding in all respects.

27) House of service in the mess hall will be :

  • Breakfast - 6.30 am to 9 am
  • Lunch - 12 noon to 1.30 pm
  • Tea - 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm
  • Dinner - 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm

28) Utensils of the mess must not be taken to the rooms. If taken should be returned within 24 hours to the mess hall.

29) The daily rate of the mess will be calculated on dividing system of the monthly expenditure of the mess for the whole hostel members. ( excluding the extra charges for the individuals)

30) Guests are not allowed in the mess.

31) No student is allowed to enter the kitchen and self cooking is prohibited.

32) Electrical appliances are not allowed to keep with the students without the prior permission of the warden.

33) No personal servant is allowed in the hostel.

34) Members should clear the mess dues of the previous month before the hoisting of the next mess bill.

35) It is the duty of the member to watch the mess bill and the extras put on the notice board (on 7th of each month). If any doubt regarding the bill, it should be brought to the notice of the warden. The members should pay the mess bill before the last date (17th of every month) otherwise extra fine amount will be added to the bill.

36) If the dues are not cleared for three months continuously, the member is liable for expulsion from the hostel.

37) Every student will be required to submit no due certificate at the time of submitting the application for the University Examination.

38) At the time of completion of the course such defaulters shall not be given ‘completion certificate / CRRI Certificate etc.”

39) The hostel office will be kept open on all working days during working hours.


1. The visiting hours shall be between 4pm to 7 pm.

2. No vendors are allowed in the hostel.

3. It is the prime responsibility of the members to keep the hostel premises clean.

4. The warden shall put up rules governing the use of the telephone, television, library, reading room, recreation room and laundry. All the members of the hostel are expected to abide these rules.

5. Members of the hostel should maintain strict discipline and should abide by the rules and regulations of the hostel.

Security Measures

1) Hostel has 3 securities. Shift system is being maintained in the hostel.

2) The hostel gate will be closed at 8 pm.

3) Register is kept regarding the details of departure and return of the students to the hostel.

4) Students should enter the hostel before 8 pm. They are not allowed to be outside the hostel after 8 pm without the prior permission of the warden.

5) The students should inform the house keeper at any time of emergencies regarding their late comings and the expected time of return earlier itself.

6) If students wish to stay outside or spend night with their relatives or friends, they should produce a permission letter from their parents or guardian permitting to do so.

7) Visitors are allowed upto the visitors hall only, during visiting hours. The visiting hours are between 4 pm and 7pm.

8) Male guests are not allowed to enter the hostel.

9) No visitors are allowed to any rooms in the hostel.

10) Unauthorized visitors are not allowed. In such a case the student shall be expelled from the hostel.

11) Parents should inform priorly about the timings of arrival of their child from home to the hostel. If it is during abnormal hours, the student should be accompanied by either guardian or parent.

12) Workers are not allowed to go upstairs in the hostel during the class hours.

13) Students should lock their rooms before leaving them. The hostel authorities’ do not hold any responsibility of missing properties and valuable items from the rooms.

Cultural Events

Once in every year, Ladies Hostel day is celebrated in the hostel. During that time, cultural events and competitions are being held for one month. Sports competitions are also conducted. Also during various functions, the extracurricular talents of students are being exposed by arranging various programmes.