Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College, the prestigious institution of the Steel City, was started on 23rd April 1986 by upgrading the existing District Government Hospital which was started on 1917 in a span of 150 acres land, inorder to serve the sick and needy people of Salem and the adjacent districts. The foundation for the Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College was laid at Salem by the late Shri. Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India on 25th october 1988. Admission of students for the first batch was carried out in July 1990. The Non-teaching Headquarters Hospital, Salem was converted as teaching Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital which now is well equipped with all modern equipments and qualified staff.
The College which was temporarily situated in the District Board Building was moved to this 150 acres premises on the Steel plant road. The majestic faculty block has enormous space for the various departments and their museums. The College has a separate lecture hall block, Administrative block , animal house and a spacious library block. A big modern auditorium and two larger lecture halls with latest audio visual equipments were inaugurated in April 2005. This College has been recognized for the award of M.B.B.S degree granted by the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University vide letter no. MCI 34(A1)/96/Med/8661 dated 8/7/96 of the Medical Council of India, New Delhi
Department of Anatomy innovated in 1991 with qualified and experienced faculty members with research background. Innovative learning and teaching methodologies have been adopted for future medical and para-medical professionals. With the growth of the institute, the department has expanded to impart undergraduate training and other courses such as BSc nursing and Allied Medical Sciences.We seek to instill in our students a sense of wonder at the beauty of the human body and hope that our students learn values of respect for the cadaver, themselves and others during their time here. The students spend their first year of training in the basic science departments, nearly 50% of which time is spent in the Anatomy department where they are grounded thoroughly in Gross Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Osteology and Genetics with special emphasis on Clinical Anatomy. The gross structure of the human body is taught through lectures, cadaver dissections, study of bones, prosected specimens, cross-sections, tutorials, quizzes, radiographs, charts and models. Even though the students do not have to dissect as a part of their practical exams, learning throughout the year is facilitated by dissection performed in groups of 10-15 to ensure that all students receive personal attention and guidance. Microscopic anatomy is taught through lectures and practical sessions. The Histology Laboratory is well equipped with individual microscopes.

Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar.M.D., Professor of Anatomy has been conducting various academic activities for the past 10 years for MBBS and para Medical students like Quiz programs, Guest lectures, Embryology and Histology model competitions, integrated teaching programs and mentoring. She has published articles in various indexed National and International journals. She has completed Revised basic course workshop in medical education in JIPMER, Puducherry and Advance course in medical education in CMC, Vellore. She has undergone Curriculum Implementation Support Programme and Basic Course in Biomedical research. ICMR project has also been conducted under her Co guidance. She has been appointed as external examiner for MBBS and paramedical university examinations. She has received best doctor award and appreciation certificate from Dean, GMKMC, SALEM-30.

Dr. M.R.Manimekalai.M.D.,DCH,Associate Professor of Anatomy has been conducting various academic activities for MBBS and para Medical students like Quiz programs, Guest lectures, Embryology and Histology model competitions, integrated teaching programs and mentoring. She has published articles in various indexed National and International journals. She has undergone revised basic course in Medical Education Technologies, Curriculum Implementation Support Programme and Basic Course in Biomedical research.

Dr. K.Aruna.M.D.,DCP, SeniorAssistant Professor in Anatomy has been conducting various academic activities for MBBS and para Medical students like Quiz programs, Guest lectures, Embryology and Histology model competitions, integrated teaching programs and mentoring. She has undergone revised basic course in Medical Education Technologies, Curriculum Implementation Support Programme and Basic Course in Biomedical research. She has been appointed as external examiner for MBBS and paramedical university examinations. She has received best doctor award and appreciation certificate from Dean, GMKMC, SALEM-30.

Dr. C.Sasikala.M.D.,DCP, SeniorAssistant Professor in Anatomy has been conducting various academic activities for MBBS and para Medical students like Quiz programs, Guest lectures, Embryology and Histology model competitions, integrated teaching programs and mentoring. She has published articles in various indexed National and International journals. She has undergone revised basic course in Medical Education Technologiesand Basic Course in Biomedical research

Dissection Hall
Cadaveric dissection is an integral part of medical education and the basis of anatomy for first M.B.B.S. students. Dissection of cadavers is a time honoured part of medical education. Undergraduates do dissection as a part of learning human anatomy. Cadavers are obtained from the forensic mortuary declared as ‘unclaimed body’ or through donated bodies that includes voluntary donation during life or after demise by their relatives.
Dissection hall is well- equiped according to MCI guidelines. It is well lit and well-ventilated with exhaust fans. There is a tank room in the dissection hall with adequate preservation tanks for cadavers and dissected specimens.There is an ante-room for students with lockers and Wash basins with water taps. The dissection hall is well equipped with dissection tables, handsaw, cutting machine, X-ray view box, instruments, equipments& wall Charts.
Cadaveric oath is taken every year while starting dissection for first year MBBS student
Embalming Room
Embalming room is available adjacent to dissection hall with adequate electrical embalming machines.
Bone Room
There is a bone room in the dissection hall. There are adequate number of articulated and disarticulated bones necessary for the students.
Burial Ground
A burial ground is present close to dissection hall according to MCI norms for disposal of decomposed cadavers and specimens. Bones are collected periodically from the pits for study purpose.
Cold Storage Room
One cold storage room is available with adequate space and uninterrupted power supply.
A museum displaying number of instructive and explicit gross anatomy and embryology specimens preserved and mounted with dexterity and many models which have been catalogued according to regions. These silent teachers (preserved human specimens) are always there, enabling students to enrich their knowledge in Anatomy. Museum is well provided with adequate seating accommodation
Histology Lab
The histology laboratory is fully fledged with all the basic facilities, equipped with enough light microscopes and dissection microscopes for research and teaching purposes. There are number of laminated histology charts for the students to get a clear understanding of microanatomy.
Histology Research Lab
The research laboratory is well equipped with binocular research microscopes, stereoscopic dissecting microscope, Incubator, Hot plate, Rotatory microtome, Microtome knife etcThe research laboratory provides an ideal environment for the faculty and students to carry out research activities.
The department has a library with journals & books covering various sub sections of anatomy including gross anatomy, histology, embryology, neuroanatomy, osteology, surface markings, embalming & radiological anatomy.
Demonstration Room
Two demonstration rooms, each of 60 sq. m accommodating 75 students and equipped with appropriate audio-visual aids, add to the teaching ambience of the department.
Lecture Hall
Six well-furnished and spacious Lecture Halls each with a seating capacity of 200 A well-furnished auditorium with a seating capacity of 325, specially built Exam hall for 300 students Halls equipped with latest Audio- visual equipment like OHPs, LCD projectors, Computers, Cordless Microphones etc.
Office Room
An office room for lab technicians and maintenance of official records is available.
Faculty Room
Adequate faculty rooms are available for HOD, Associate professors,Assistant professors and tutors.
Store Room
Store rooms are present for maintenance of Chemicals, Equipment and furniture.
voluntary Body Donation
The forms of willingness of volunteers who intend to donate their body after death to the department are received and after death cadavers are brought to the department by relatives.
Academic Activities
UG Courses
B.Sc. Nursing
B.Sc. Allied medical courses
• B.Sc. (MLT)
• B.Sc. (Operation Theatre Technology)
• B.Sc. (Cardiac Technology)
• B.Sc. (Radio-therapy technology)
Periodic Academic Activities:
Didactic lectures
Pre-dissection classes
Histology practicals
Clinical anatomy (OSPE CHARTS)
Integrated teaching both horizontal and vertical
Daily Slip test of previous classes
Internal assessment test both theory and practical
Record work both macroscopic and microscopic anatomy
Daily practice of diagrams
Radiological anatomy (basics in X-rays ,CT,MRI )
Developmental anatomy (lectures, models, charts)
Osteology classes (articulated skeleton, disarticulated bones)
Surface anatomy classes
Early clinical exposure
Self-directed learning
Quiz programs
Models competitions
Hands-on workshops for UGs and PGs
Hands-on workshop on cadaveric dissection by department of Anatomy and Department of Orthopaedics
Other Academic Activities
Intra- departmental quiz
Every year Department of Anatomy conducts intradepartmental quiz programmes for first year MBBS students. Prizes are awarded to the winners and to those who answer correctly among the audience.
Early Clinical Exposure
Based on medical education curriculum for first MBBS students, for early clinical exposure, students are taken to various clinical departments (viz. General medicine, General surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedic surgery and Paediatrics medicine)
Histology Rangoli Competition Conducted For I MBBS Students 2017 Batch
Guest Lecture With Embryology Model Competition
As a part of academic activity, guest lecture was conducted along with Embryology model competition for the first MBBS 2016-17 batch students. The topic was
PROF. DR. SHEELA GRACE, M.S. The best models were awarded prizes as encouragement for students and to stress the importance of Embryology.
Dept. of. Anatomy, GMKMC, Salem-30
Sl. No | Name of the Staff | Date of Publications | Topic | Journal |
1. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar.M.D Associate Professor | 20.07.2016 (Date of Accepted) (Date of Publications) December 2016 | Anatomical Study on Variations of fissures of Lung | IJCAP (Indexed) |
2. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar. M.D Associate Professor | 12.01.2016 (Date of Accepted) (Date of Publications) 31.01.2016 | A study of the bifurcation of sciatic nerve its clinical importance | IJAR (Indexed) |
3. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar.M.D Associate Professor | Ongoing Study ( As a part of ACME ) | A comparative study between Dissection method and video Based method of teaching in Anatomy for I MBBS Students | |
4. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar. M.D Associate Professor | 25.10.2013 | Anatomical Study on Intraparotid course facial Nerve and its terminal branches | JEMDS (Indexed) |
5. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar.M.D Associate Professor | 10.06.2013 | A common coeliaco-mesentric truankand variations in their branching pattern – A case Report | JEMDS (Indexed) |
6. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar. M.D Associate Professor | 10.06.2013 | A very rare variation of the superior mesentric artery – A case report | JEMDS (Indexed) |
7. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar. M.D Associate Professor | 14.11.2018 | A study of the origin of superior Thyroid,lingual and facial arteries | IJA (Indexed) |
8. | Dr. Kalai. Anbusudar. M.D Associate Professor | 01.01.2020 | An Anatomical Study on Branching pattern of coronary Arteries-A cadaveric study | IJA (Indexed) |
9. | Dr.M.R.Manimekalai. M.D Assistant Professor | (Date of Publications) March to April 2017 | A study of Anatomical variations in the origin and the branching pattern of the superior mesenteric artery | RJPBCS (Indexed) |
10. | Dr.M.R.Manimekalai. M.D Assistant Professor | Date of Publications) 31.01.2017 | A Prospective analysis of tear drop angle in intra articular distal radius fractures treated by volar buttress plating | IJOTS (Indexed) |
11. | Dr.C.Sasikala. M.D Tutor | On going study | An anatomical study on branching Pattern of axillary artery – A cadaveric study |